
This is an atelier for childrens’ choirs that come with boys and girls. There will be a small separate part sung by all the boys together. More info soon.
Music and dance unite people and nations of the world. The three Baltic countries – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have very different languages. They cannot understand each other in speech, but they “feel” each other through centuries of singing and dancing.
When we sing pop music together, we want to feel good energy, have storytelling in the room, focus, rhythm&groove. But we also need a safe space to develop, have social interaction and just simply said: have FUN!  In this atelier, Rohan invites you to explore singing with energy and movement.
The VOCES8 Method is inspirational, interactive music making bursting with energy and creativity. To Paul Smith, singing with a group of people, whether small or large, is one of the most natural, joyous and uplifting things we can ever do. Come and join this atelier to experience what it can mean to truly 'play' with music and share some of the ideas that form the core vision of VOCES8 and 'the VOCES8 Method'.
As the Portuguese were in history, we will be world travellers. Our Mission: to discover universal emotions in songs all around the world. We will explore the six basic human emotions– Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, Repulsion and Surprise – through a musical journey that will take us to different continents, starting in Portugal, my country of origin and a great explorers’ country!
We wiIl sing works for SSA and piano by renowned international composers and one or two by exciting young Flemish composers, such as Vigdis Hansa Elst and Hans Helsen. The lyrics will mainly be in English. It will be an atmospheric, yet challenging program... Will you take up the challenge?
In this atelier we will explore folklore music from the Nordic countries and emerge ourselves into the musical sounds and languages. Birgitte Næslund Madsen is ready to guide you on this trip to Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland. The music from these countries is rich and varied, but just as the countries have close ties, so does also the music, which you might discover.
Zingen in een atelier, samen met internationale koren, dat is waar het bij Europa Cantat Junior om draait. Nieuwe vrienden maken in koor. Als je je inschrijft, kies je een atelier en zijn atelierleider - een dirigent met wie je je zangers elke dag van het festival wilt laten samenwerken.
Een formule voor dirigenten, zangleiders, muziekstudenten en iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in zingen met kinderen. Sluit aan bij een internationale groep collega's en verken het festival vanuit een professioneel oogpunt!
